What Is Protein Water? And Should You Drink It?

Published : 18/11/2022
What Is Protein Water? And Should You Drink It?

What Is Protein Water? And Should You Drink It?

There are so many dieting and nutrition fads in the world nowadays that it can be hard to keep up. The latest craze is none other than protein water, which is exactly what it sounds like — bottled water with protein in it.

But what exactly is in protein water? And does it do the same job as a protein shake or bar, helping you to lose weight, shed fat and build lean muscle?

We aim to answer all your questions in this short and simple guide.

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What’s In Protein Water?

First things first, let’s take it back to basics.

Protein water is sold in many supermarkets, pharmacies and health shops, usually in the supplement section. It contains just as many macronutrients as other post-workout protein supplements but it’s lower in fat and calories.

After all, one 16-ounce serving of protein water usually contains 15 to 20 grams of protein and around 100 calories.

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Is Protein Water Worth Drinking?

There’s currently a debate amongst health and fitness professionals whether consuming protein water regularly is a good idea.

The Benefits of Protein

Protein is one of the three macronutrients your body needs in substantial amounts. In a nutshell, it:

  • Fuels your muscles and your brain
  • Builds bones, cartilage, tissues and skin
  • Repairs damage and make new, healthy cells
  • Helps you to digest food
  • Carries oxygen to the organs through your blood

Protein can also reduce your risk of chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes, but only in the form of low-fat, whole-food sources such as beans, fish, poultry and nuts.

Protein Water as a Post-Workout Supplement

Consuming protein post-workout has been proven effective in rebuilding damaged muscle tissue that happened during the workout. However, it doesn’t provide you with the necessary amount of protein and carbohydrates that the body needs to recover from exercise.

Getting protein from proper food will give your body the nine essential amino acids it requires. Most people are able to get enough protein from their diet alone.

Protein Water For Hydration

Drinking any type of water is extremely beneficial for the body after a workout. It helps to regulate your body temperature and compensate for any fluid you lost due to sweating. 

Drinking water post-workout will also prevent any dehydration symptoms such as fatigue, headaches or muscle cramps.

The Downsides of Protein Water

The good news is that protein water typically has less calories and sugar than other protein supplements like shakes. The bad news is that protein water can contain added ingredients that aren’t so healthy, such as artificial sugar, which can raise your blood sugar and cause weight gain.

Similarly, protein water has whey isolate that contains dairy, which can cause issues for people with a lactose intolerance.

The Takeaway

Protein water can help you up your protein intake after a workout and aid you in your weight loss journey. Even so, many experts recommend against drinking it every day, especially if the added sweeteners result in gastrointestinal issues.

At the end of the day, protein water would be more beneficial for your body if you combine it with another protein-filled snack, such as cheese and crackers or yoghurt.

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