Where do we start?
Believe it or not, fat loss is easier than you may think. It’s easy to be overstimulated and overwhelmed by fad diets, pills and potions, tummy tucks, exercise programs and waist clinchers. But how to we know what really works? Better yet, what works specifically for YOU?
When it comes to effective fat loss think of yourself as a tradesperson with a toolbelt. Every tool represents a skill, technique or piece of knowledge that you can add to your weight-loss repertoire. The more tools you possess, the more effective of a mean, lean, fat-burning machine you become!
At Fat Burners Only, we believe in not only offering the BEST online customer service but also offering the most effective user experience to help you reach your goals faster. So, the team at FBO have come together to break down what we believe are the most crucial tools of the trade when it comes to burning fat. Master these and you’ll be fast-tracked to the body of your dreams quicker than you could ever imagine!
Without overloading you with too much detailed information just yet, allow us to break this down into simple terms to get a grasp on how we can manipulate food, not have it manipulate us.
Every single day we burn calories (energy). This is involuntarily performed just by living, breathing, sleeping and moving. So, it would make sense that by consuming the exact same number of calories that we are burning – we would stay the exact same weight. But what happens when we eat MORE than our requirement? You guessed it, the excess energy that we consume is stored for later use… AKA gaining weight. Using this logic, if we know that eating more energy than we burn makes you gain weight, we can manipulate this process and consume less than we burn causing weight loss!
So does this mean I can simply not eat and I will lose all my unwanted weight?
Not quite. It’s easier than that, read on and learn how.
Starving hurts the body and the mind. And while fasting is okay when performed strategically, starving is not. So how about it? Have you ever tried a magazine diet? A fad? A trend going around among friends? Or like many of the misinformed diehards, simply stopped eating?
Wait, you mean eating only grapefruit or eating ice cubes isn’t sustainable?
The metabolism is an extremely efficient survival mechanism. Meaning the less you feed it, the more it slows down in an attempt to acclimatize to the minimal food intake. It becomes incredibly efficient at burning LESS energy at a slower pace. Not only that. It will quickly turn to our fat, muscular energy and muscle tissue for food – and it doesn’t discriminate between the three.
The above results in low energy and a sluggish metabolism, meaning your weight loss stops. You will crave mercilessly and when you do decide to eat, BOOM, massive weight gain caused by overloading a metabolism not efficient enough to burn off the food.
So how can I lose weight optimally AND healthily?
We know what you’re thinking. Going through the process of tracking calories and counting food isn’t for everyone. So we’ve created 10 golden rules of fat loss to live by that are healthy, smart and most importantly, sustainable.
1. Hydration is key – Ahhh water, the single most abundant and critical nutrient in the human body. It is required by almost every process in the body and is paramount to optimal brain, heart and vital organ function. In the human body, fat is metabolized in the liver. But without sufficient hydration, the liver struggles to oxidize fat and toxins correctly. This leads to almost no fat burning and causes your body to hold excess water. So, pick up your water bottle and shed unwanted fat and water weight!
2. Increase your protein intake – Without all the science jargon, a high protein has been shown to increase metabolic rate, minimize cravings and regulate your hormones to make you far more efficient at becoming a lean, mean fat burning machine!
3. Regulate your carbohydrate intake – Since the dawn of time (not really) fitness enthusiasts, professionals and gurus have all put their 2 cents into the great carbohydrate debate. We aren’t gurus, but we can tell you what is undebatable. Carbohydrates are used by the body for three purposes:
- As an energy source – Converted by the body into glucose then into the bloodstream to be used by the muscles and other bodily functions as usable energy.
- As a replenishment source – Converted into glycogen to be stored in the liver and muscles. Glycogen is used by the body in the process of muscle recovery.
- As a fat source – Excess carbohydrates not being used for the two processes listed above will result in storage in the form of fat.
With this being said, it’s only logical that we make at least a reserved effort to regulate our carbohydrate intake. Use the above-listed processes as a guide. Carbohydrates are best eaten before exercise or physical activity and can be used by the body for recovery. Our golden rule is simply to keep your carbs around exercise as much as possible. We suggest using wholefood carbohydrate sources such as rice, potato varieties and grains while keeping simple sugars to a minimum.
4. Fat is not the enemy – Fat! Did you say fat? That’s right. Fat has been demonized since the 50s as the wrongly accused culprit of obesity. This led to the following 50+ years supplying us with ‘low fat’ or ‘fat-free’ products that we’re all familiar with. Truth is, fat is not only good for you, but it can also actually HELP you burn fat!
Fats come in 3 forms;
- Saturated and trans fatty acids – Meat fat, coconut oil, full-fat dairy products, takeaway food, chips, snacks and commercial sweets. This fat source can raise bad cholesterol while reducing good cholesterol. Dramatically increasing the risk of heart disease.
- Polyunsaturated – Fatty fish, soy products and tofu. This fat source can lower cholesterol levels but only when it replaces saturated fats on a daily basis.
- Monounsaturated – Canola, olive and grapeseed oils as well as nuts, seeds, lean meat and avocado. This fat source can also lower cholesterol when it replaces saturated fat on a daily basis.
To conclude, healthy dietary fats not only lower cholesterol for a healthier cardiovascular system but also play a significant role in cellular regeneration, organ health and brain function. Incorporate a generous variety of fat into your diet along with high protein sources. Your body, heart and waist will thank you.
5. Exercise frequently – This one could have been number one on our list. As we explained earlier, eating below our calorie requirement will cause us to lose weight. But what else can we do on a regular basis to lose unwanted fat? You guessed it, exercise! This can be performed in pretty much any form you please. Walk, run, row, swim, high-intensity interval training, bike riding and weight training just to name a few.
6. Don’t skip the weights – Ladies, this one is for you especially. To the grossly misinformed, weight training is often seen as counterintuitive. This is driven by the stigma that weight training will make women ‘bulky’ and thick as opposed to helping them lose weight. Truth is, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Weight and strength training is unequivocally the best form of exercise for body composition. While cardiovascular exercise is important, weight training will produce the aesthetically pleasing, tight and shaped look that you’ve been looking for. Not to mention boosting your metabolism like crazy, meaning round-the-clock fat-burning power!
7. Portion control –Portion control is simple, but not always easy. Who much is too much? More importantly, how much is too little?
Everyone’s requirements are different. However, there are a few rules to live by to ensure you generally aren’t ‘over’ or ‘under’ eating:
- Eat smaller portions, more often – Try and stick to portion sizes that keep you full only for 2-3 hours at a time. This may take some experimentation, but eventually, you will come to find the portion size that works for you. Even using specific plates and bowls can be a good indicator of the right size for you.
- Eat lots of protein – Lean protein sources are the golden key for the weight-loss crowd. Eating a diet rich in protein will keep you fuller for longer, massively increase your muscular recovery and will dramatically lower your risk of storing your excess food as fat. Diets high in protein also have been shown to decrease obsessive food-related thoughts by up to 60%.
- Stop when you feel satisfied, not full – If overeating can or has been a problem for you, try pushing your plate away when you simply aren’t hungry anymore. There’s a fine line between satisfied and full, but the difference it will make for your body will shock you.
8. Ditch the scales – You heard us... You may be familiar with the phrase ‘age is just a number.' Well, guess what, so is weight. Excuse our blunt nature, but let us ask you this; how is it that a one-kilogram difference can completely shift someone’s mentality towards themselves? How is it that you are skinny at 59kg but fat at 60kg?
We aren’t telling you to throw out your scales, rather keep it regulated. Set yourself a date and time each week or fortnight and stick to it. Instead, use your mirror as a guide in between the ‘weigh-ins’ and focus purely on being kind to yourself. Hey, you’re trying to improve, so give yourself a break – the daily scale induced head-games aren’t going to motivate you.
9. Healthy mind, healthy body – Managing your stress and sleeping yourself skinny – ‘Comfort foods’ and being-eating have been around for a while now. But now new research shows that elevated levels of cortisol (the ‘stress hormone’) has shown to increase cravings for junky, sugary and fatty food. Not only this, but excess stress also causes a higher insulin spike, making it far easier to accumulate body fat.
Sleep is also a very underestimated payer in the fat loss game. If you want to have the body of your dreams, we highly urge you to manage your sleep if you aren’t already getting a sufficient amount. Sleep deprivation causes your body to produce more ghrelin (the ‘hunger hormone’) while dramatically decreasing leptin levels (the hormone that regulates metabolic rate). It’s no wonder low sleep leads to more hunger and weight gain! Treat yourself, sleep in and nap when you can.
10. SUPPLEMENTATION! – Here’s where we come in.
Pat yourself on the back. If you have taken steps to implement even one of our tools, you’ve already given yourself a better chance of achieving the change you want. Not to mention feeling as fantastic and confident as you truly deserve! Kudos!
Now we’re not here to tell you that supplements will do all the work, real results come only with consistent effort. Supplementation is simply another powerful tool that can help you reach your goals faster, make your life easier and give you’re the motivation to push beyond your limits. There’s no magic pill, but if you exercise often, eat right and supplement intelligently – magic will happen.