What's the difference between a Fat Burner & Pre Workout?

Published : 02/10/2021
What's the difference between a Fat Burner & Pre Workout?

A question we get asked ALL the time is being answered by Paul. Find out what is the difference between a Fat Burner and Pre workout.

"What's the difference between and Pre Workout and a Fat Burner?" TRANSCRIPT

What is the difference between a pre-workout and a fat burner?

So, first of all, what two better products to explain it with the most popular fat burner in Australia Oxyshred and its brother pre-workout Pride both from EHP Labs one of the biggest supplement companies in Australia. Now first of all to put a long story short a pre-workout is designed to give you energy and focus but also help with performance and endurance. A fat burner will still give you energy. However, it is more designed to do things to aid with fat loss: like reduce your appetite, target fat for fuel, and also mobilize stubborn fat. That deposits on the stomach and thighs as that fat for fuel energy. 

Now that's the difference: more performance and endurance and energy. More energy and fat loss.

If that's enough for you guys, you can tune out now otherwise we're going to go a bit more sciencey and explain how they work.


Pre Workout: More Performance and Energy

So pre-workouts will contain ingredients like arginine, citrulline, and nitrates, these will hit the endothelial walls of your blood vessel.

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These are amino acids and cause your blood vessels to expand. You'll have bigger pipes, so more blood flow, more nutrient delivery, oxygen delivery, glucose delivery to your muscles so you can train harder. You'll also have ingredients that cause the tingles in your skin like Beta-alanine which is actively stripping lactic acid from your muscles causing you to have more endurance more energy and push through those sessions for longer.

 Those ingredients you won't typically find in a fat burner and they're massive for performance.

Next, we have a fat burner, so this guy here will still have the same stimulants in there because not only will stimulants give you energy, they'll also give you energy to train harder and a fat burner, but they'll also burn calories which leads to a calorie deficit, which will lead to more fat loss. But a fat burner will also have ingredients in there like hydroxy citric acid or otherwise known as garcinia, inulin fiber. 


Fat Burner: More Energy and Fat Loss

These ingredients will reduce your appetite and have you not wanting to eat as much, which will cause a greater calorie deficit and lead to more fat loss. 

Shop Best Selling Fat Burners

They'll also contain ingredients like carnitine and if you've watched any of my fat loss videos before, you'll know that carnitine is my favourite ingredient for fat loss. It binds to fat in the bloodstream and moves it into your cells to use as energy. So, you're burning more calories with the stimulants and you're targeting those calories from body fat with the carnitine. 

You'll also have ingredients in here like CLA or conjugated linoleic acid which will mobilize stubborn fat from the stomach and thighs into the bloodstream, which the body can't do by itself. The carnitine then binds to it and then the actual stimulants & your calorie deficit your training will burn it.

 So that explains the two products in a more complex detailed sciency way. We have amino acids for performance and ingredients to reduce appetite and target stubborn fat for fuel you'll still get your energy from the stimulants in both of those, but that's the low down.

I hope you got something out of that burners, we'll catch you soon.

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