Video: Quick Weight Loss Tips

Published : 15/05/2020
Video: Quick Weight Loss Tips


Transcript:- Hey burners, today I'm going to go over some of the things that you can do to fit yourself into that dress to get event or holiday ready.

Now I do need to preface this video by saying that, look, I wouldn't recommend doing some of these things longterm, they're not necessarily sustainable, but look, life happens. If you've bought a dress that's a little bit pinchy, you need to fit into it, these are the things that I would do, and I would recommend doing these things for no longer than, say, like a week or two weeks, or whatever fits into your lifestyle.

If you're still four weeks out from your holiday, or your event, it's not too late to jump on a fat burner, CLA, and carnitine. That's a great stack if you're looking to get some good results in that timeframe.

Also, if you are that four, six weeks out, increase your water intake, make sure you're drinking a minimum of three litres of water a day. But then if we're talking a week, two weeks away from going on holidays, or going to your event, these are the things that I would recommend.

First of all, if you are that week or two away from your special event, I would recommend reducing your intake of inflammatory foods. So that is reducing things like gluten, dairy, and sugar. This will help to just reduce bloating a little bit, reduce inflammation in the body, and help to bring in your midsection in particular, that little bit tighter. Particularly if you are prone to bloating, I would also recommend jumping on a gut product such as Gut Performance. I use this quite often, I'm a massive fan of it, it's amazing for bloating. So, yes, Gut Performance and reducing inflammatory foods would be my first tip.

Secondly, I would recommend increasing your water intake. By increasing your water intake you will actually reduce your water retention. While it might sound a little bit contradictory, after the first day or two you will notice that water retention will start to drop and it will improve your circulation as well.

Three or four days before your event you can also jump onto something like a diuretic, so some green tea, or I would recommend actually using something like Ripped Freak Diuretic, this is a great natural product, bit of a scary name, but it contains only three ingredients. So it contains dandelion, juniper berry, and magnesium oxide. It will really help to reduce your water retention and help to get you those couple of centimeters that you may need to fit into a special outfit. I would recommend this one, like I say, three to four days before your event, four capsules in the morning and four capsules in the afternoon.

And finally, try not to stress about it. At the end of the day we're all our own harshest critic. You will look fabulous, you will look fantastic, so please just try to enjoy the moment. Stress is, if anything, probably the worst thing you can possibly do in terms of bloating and retaining water and those kinds of things, so just try to be in the moment, enjoy it, feel fabulous, and I hope you enjoy your event. 

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