- Hey burners, I'm here with Paul. And we're gonna have a quick chat about some of the products that you can use coming into the last four weeks of prep for a fitness competition.
Now, Paul, I know that previously, you have helped a lot of INBA, IFBB, and other federation competitors getting ready in sort of those last, not only the last four weeks but kind of the whole prep.
- Yes.
- But in particular, the last four weeks, getting those kind of one, two, five-percenters. Do you wanna tell us a little bit about how you got involved in that?
- Yes, so previously to owning Fat Burners Only, I owned stores around Perth. And we became that go-to location for those fitness competitors throughout their whole prep, especially that last four weeks, on giving them knowledge and information, and education on the right products to use for prepping for competition.
- Awesome.
- So now, we always maintained that you always have to ask a coach as well about taking any products.
- Yeah.
- And also, that training and diet are the number ones. But when you're on stage, everyone has got the training and the diet down pat.
- It's so close.
- They're so close.
- Yeah.
- And what we found was when we introduced the right supplements, these competitors that every year were coming third and fourth.
- Yeah.
- Straight to first, first, first.
- Amazing.
- And then, the word sort of spread.
- Yeah.
- And then, that's how we became the go-to store for that education and information because there's not a lot of people that know about this education on the right products for prep. And we were that location. So that's why, again we're getting a lot of people asking Fat Burners Only what are the right products to take coming into the last few weeks of prep.
- Yeah, amazing.
- Yeah.
- So now I have heard you refer to these products as our secret weapon. So tell me a little bit about that. Maybe we can go into kind of each product, what it will do, why you should use it in the last four weeks, how it's gonna work, and maybe when you should use it as well.
- Sure
- Kind of dosage wise.
- Yeah 100%. So like I said before, always ask your coach because they might have a plan. But if these are fine, they're fantastic to use in the last four weeks of prep. None of this contain any banned substances. So completely fine for drug-tested federations as well.
- Absolutely.
- But you don't have to be. Like if you're on a IFBB federation, for example, as well these are still great.
- Still great products, yeah. But ICN, IMBA, these are perfectly fine.
- Exactly, yeah.
- Awesome. So first part we have here is called Ripped-Freak Diuretic.
- Yes.
- What do we got?
- So this as it says, it's a diuretic. So we shed water under the skin. The reason we choose this one is that it's extremely effective. We've been actually recommending the Ripped-Freak Diuretic for the last five, six years for people on prep. And they always say, it worked perfectly.
- Yep.
- The other cool thing about it is it's got only three ingredients. They're all natural.
- Yep.
- And they're not harsh on the system at all.
- Yeah.
- They genuinely work. And it's actually good for kidney functions. So it contains dandelion, juniper as well as some magnesium to flush out water as well.
- Okay, cool.
- So it'll get rid of that water retention under the skin. It gives that nice dry non-bloated look.
- Cool
- Yeah.
- And so, when would you recommend taking it? So we're talking like four weeks before prep. Would you start taking this four weeks out or is this something you would use, maybe like a week in or like peak week, that kind of thing.
- Yes, yeah. So if you're coming into the comp and you're still holding a little bit too much water under the skin, and you're looking to shed it, it's only in the last week of prep that you would look to use something like this.
- Yeah.
- There's no need to take it four weeks out.
- Okay. So this says, take four capsules in the morning and four capsules in the afternoon. Is that sort of what you'd recommend?
- Exactly, yeah. And the great thing about this product, it explains how long to use it for, when to use it, and how many at a time.
- Yeah.
- So it's really simple but use it on the last week of prep if you're holding too much fluid.
- Awesome, that's that guy there. So the next ones we have is the Subcut and Block E3. Now these are so so popular with competitors.
- Yes.
- And like I said definitely referred to as a secret weapon. So which one do you wanna start with? So we can start with the Block E because that does the first job. Now, just a little bit of a side-note about these products, I've even had male competitors come in. I've explained this to them. That's happened this year actually. He said, "Look, I don't believe it but I'm going to try it." And then, he sent me a message four weeks later saying, "Mate, I have never come in so dry, it actually worked."
- That's exciting.
- And we get a lot of that comment.
- But that's the stuff you love.
- That's the stuff we love.
- You know, that reason to do it.
- Yeah. And like I said, it's these one-percenters on stage that make all the difference. Because most of the competitors on stage, they have the training and the diet down-pat. This is what separates them. So Block E3 is a transdermal cream that actually absorbs into the skin on the problem areas that you might be holding too much fluid or that last little bit of fat, and will detox these inner estrogen toxin out of that area.
- So when we're looking at, sort of, male competitors correct me if I'm wrong but I would say, for male competitors, it's definitely the lower abdomen getting that kind of cracking lower abs happening.
- Yep.
- And sometimes, the lower back around the kidneys as well can be a bit of an estrogenic area for boys.
- That is true, it's these areas here.
- Yep.
- As well as just underneath the pecs.
- Okay.
- The bottom of the pecs.
- Okay, yeah.
- So you would apply the block E there. For females, it's gonna be back of the arms.
- Yep.
- Stomach
- Yep.
- And the legs and thighs.
- Yeah, I would also say, if you're a male competing not so much in like physique or fitness, if you're competing in body-building, and you're trying to get out kind of glut striations and stuff like that, you'd put it a bit on the gluts.
- Yes, you can put it anywhere that there's a problem because what happens is the body will store these toxins including xenoestrogen in these areas of fat or water.
- Yeah.
- And unless we flush out the xenoestrogen, it'll need that fat and water to hold those toxins there. So the block E3 will sweep out those toxins and make their body release the fluid or make the body realize that that fat is not needed to store the toxin anymore.
- Yeah.
- Right, so that's what block E3 will do, yeah.
- And so, for guys and girls on this as well, we recommend dry-retching before you use the product, it'll help to get the blood circulating to the skin layers so that you're gonna be getting a better absorption. And applying this one two times a day after showering in the morning, and after showering at night.
- Yes, ideally, because when you have a shower, you wash off all the oils from your skin.
- Yep
- Anything that you then put on after shower gets soaked in very effectively, yeah.
- And generally as well, most people will have a hot shower which will open up pores, and again you get better absorption of the active ingredients.
- Exactly, so that's the best way to use the block E to get rid of those toxins. And then the Subcut can come in.
- It's right here, yeah, tell us about this.
- The Subcut, again, a transdermal cream you put on those problem areas.
- Yeah.
- And has clinically shown ingredients that work transdermally like the block E3.
- Yeah.
- To break up fat and move it into the bloodstream.
- Yeah.
- So perfect for those last little areas that you're struggling to move. Sweep the toxins out and then break the fat off, and move it into the blood stream where the body can then burn it as fuel.
- So perfect for use before cardio. So if you're really trying to tighten up shred those last few layers of fat, and you're doing kind of cardio sessions, this would be perfect for that.
- It's perfect for cardio but also, you know, people don't realize that weights burn a lot of calories as well.
- Yeah.
- So even if you're doing a weight session, your heart-rate is going up. So it's perfect for cardio and weights to be honest, yeah.
- Yeah, super-sets drop-sets, all that kind of stuff you would, and kill it with that.
- Exactly. So that's how they work. Any thing else that?
- Yeah, I was just gonna mention two things in regards to the Subcut and Block E3. I think it's really important to note. For a lot of people, you know, using a cream as a supplement is like a little bit of a mind twist, you know. It's a weird thing but that's kind of ATB's science geek, right.
- Yeah.
- So I think the cool thing to mention about this is that they do test every single ingredient to make sure that it can be absorbed through the dermal layer. So I think that's really important to know. And then the other thing I wanted to mention about Subcut is it does contain a small amount of caffeine. So perhaps not a great idea to use this when too close to bed. You know, when you are coming into prep, you really wanna maximize on the rest and recovery. So yeah, I won't recommend using this one too late at night.
- Yeah, it does only have a little bit but it does absorb. So you wanna give it about that three hour mark before bed.
- Yep, yeah
- Ideally, yeah. Some people are fine with a bit of caffeine before bed.
- Yeah.
- And then, you could take it a bit closer. But yeah, roughly that time, three hour mark before.
- Perfect, thank you. And then, so the last one I wanted to talk about. Now this product was developed in conjunction with WBFF world champion Hattie Boydle. So if she's using it for her comps and she's a world champion, you gotta know that it's pretty good.
- Okay, on comp day.
- Yeah, I keep it 'cause like
- Really.
- Peak week coming into the show, I drop my fiber back but I keep that in.
- And even on comp day, you'd still take it.
- Yep, I still have that first thing in the morning before anything else, yeah.
- Why not tell us a little bit about Gut Performance.
- So Gut Performance, as you mentioned, was brought to market by Hattie Boydle.
- Yes.
- Because she was actually putting it together and using it just by herself for years. So it wasn't a product for sale, she was actually using it. And what she found was it helped get rid of that water bloat under the skin.
- Yep.
- As well as get rid of that bloat in the stomach.
- So it's got some...
- Really tighten up the mid-section.
- Really tighten it up. So there's no gas sort of bloat in the stomach. It's got special fiber that will actually help get rid of that bloat in there.
- Amazing.
- And some other ingredients to help with nutrient absorption and all that sort of stuff as well. So if people, and a lot of fitness competitors say, "Look, I am dry, I've got no body fat anywhere."
- Yeah.
- "I just have a "swollen midsection." Whether it's...
- High protein diet.
- ..high protein...
- Yeah.
- ..allergies to any food that they're eating that they're not aware of or changing their gut by going into prep.
- 100%.
- This guy here will actually tighten up that midsection.
- Reduce the bloat.
- And reduce that bloat, coming on stage really really flat, yeah
- I think it's a pretty cool thing to mention as well. You know, we were lucky enough, well, Paul was lucky enough to interview Hattie. A couple of months ago, and we're talking about Gut Performance, and the one thing she said that I thought was really beneficial, particularly if you are prepping and you're dropping calories in your inner calorie deficit. She said that during her prep, she would use Gut Performance between meals. So if she had like a eating window where she couldn't eat her next meal for another three hours, she would take some Gut Performance just to kind of fill her up a little bit, reduce her appetite, and help to push out that kind of eating window.
- As well, yeah.
- Yeah.
- Perfect to stay on the right amount of calories as well coming into those final stages of the prep.
- Amazing.
- Yeah, so there you go.
- As I said, always check with your coach.
- Yes, 100%.
- Because they always have a plan. So as long as these fits in with the plan, it's perfect. But these are just some of our secret weapons coming into prep.
- Thank you so much for sharing. And if you guys have any questions on these products or coming into a sort of the sharper end of your prep, feel free to leave a comment in the comment section. Otherwise, thank you so much for watching our latest video. And we'll see you on the next one.