Watch Video Review: A Recovery 101 Session on Supplements

Published : 15/10/2019
Watch Video Review: A Recovery 101 Session on Supplements


 Hi burners, I'm Paul, from Fat Burners Only, here today to go through a recovery 101 session on supplementation.

Whether or not you're training at the gym, heavy weights for muscle gain or muscle tone, you're hitting the cardio equipment for fitness, you're hitting the road for running, or you're cycling, or playing sport, we all need to know the best way to recover.

Now, were not pushing anyone to take supplements, but if you know what this can do for your recovery, you then have the power to use it to help with your recovery.

So we start with protein. We have here, Isopept. This one is a high protein, zero carb, zero fat product. The reason we put protein in a recovery 101 session is because protein are the building blocks of your muscle tissue, and if you're training, you're causing little micro-tears, we need the bricks to build the house, and that's where protein comes in, and can help to recover those little tears and help with your recovery, and with your muscle pain.

Next, we have glutamine, and if we picture the body like a house, like I said, the protein are the bricks of the house, the protein becomes your muscle tissue, the man that builds a house is glutamine. So glutamine will take protein and actually layer it over the top of each other and help your muscle recover from those session of exercise that you did previously, so glutamine and protein will get rid of pain, help with recovery, and if it's a heavy weight session, it will help you to grow, or if it's a cardio session or a sport session, will get rid of that pain and reduce your chance of injury.

Next, we have BCAA's. Now, BCAA's are typically the colored drink that you'll see people drinking during their training sessions at the gym or while they're cycling, et cetera. BCAA's stands for branch chain amino acids, and they're the three amino acids that form the bulk of your muscle tissue. They do not require blood for digestion, and therefore are perfect to drink during your session.

If you drank a protein during your session, it does take blood to digest that protein, and if you're drawing more blood to the stomach for digestion, you have less blood floating around your body providing glucose and oxygen to your muscles, where you need it while you're training. This will not cause that blood conflict, and that's why we drink BCAA's during training. They hit the muscle directly, they'll give you energy to train harder, and provide the bricks to build more of the house, so this guy here, perfect to drink during your training session. Now, typically contain electrolytes to hydrate you as well. So we've got the bricks, we've got the man to build it, and we have your recovery during your session with electrolytes as well.

Finally, we have magnesium here. Now we have the powdered version and the tablet version, the reason we've got both here is just so you know there's both available to whatever is your preference, and magnesium is very important in recovery, because it's the mineral responsible for causing relaxation in muscle tissue, so just a basic biology lesson to do with magnesium.

Okay, so the way that magnesium works is, let's pretend we have a calf muscle right here, calcium ions which we typically have enough of, will flood in the tendons, and cause that calf muscle to contract. Now like I said, we usually have enough calcium for this. It's magnesium's responsibility then, to flood in to the fat tendons in that calf, and then cause it to go back to that relaxed state. We typically have enough calcium, but we don't have enough magnesium for this process typically, and what it will do, it will cause our muscles to get tight, throw off our balances, and also if you cramp, it's a surefire sign that you are magnesium deficient. Calcium keeps flooding, flooding, flooding, and causes the muscle to cramp. So, magnesium will help relax the muscle, help us correct any imbalances, elongate it again so we're not tight, and on top of that, by enabling that relaxation of the muscle tissue, will help us sleep better, when you get a better sleep, it improves our recovery as well.

So, just to recap, this is why these four supplements are so important to help with your recovery. The protein, the building blocks of your muscle tissue, you need protein to turn into muscle tissue. We need glutamine as the man that grabs that protein and lays it over the top of the little micro-tears in the muscle to get rid of pain, and help with recovery and growth. We need BCAA's with electrolytes to hydrate us, as well as give our body the actual ingredients again to recover and give our muscles energy, without causing a blood conflict and starving the body of blood when it needs it for training, that's why we drink that during. And magnesium to help relax tight muscle tissues, correct any imbalances, and help us sleep.

Just a little side note to magnesium, it's best to take it before bed. So that's a quick recap on recovery 101, I hope you got something out of that burners. If you do have any questions, just whack a comment in the comment section to this video, give us a call in store, or send us a message via our live chat on our website, and one of our friendly team would be happy to answer any questions you have about it. Thanks for watching, burners, we'll catch you next time. Cheers.

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