[Trancscript] I think that's good. Did I miss anything Fi?
Hi burners, Paul here from Fat Burners Only to give you the low down on ATP Sciences specialised multivitamin, Multi Food. So this is one of the best selling products on the Fat Burners Only website, and if you follow ATP Sciences gurus Matt and Jeff, and their podcast you'll know that they recommend that absolutely everyone should be using this product.
So why is it important to take a multivitamin? And why should we be taking Multi Food? So, through modern farming practises, we now mass produce our food. This has led to less nutritional value in our fruit, veg, and other food sources. As well as the fact that our soil now is really low in nutrition which will translate to less nutrition in our fruit, veg, and other food sources as well.
So that's why it's very important to take a multivitamin. It's got the nutrition in here, as well as helping the chemical reactions for brain neurotransmitter health, digestive health, muscle recovery, as well as general energy production as well.
ATP Science have sourced organic farms that use old farming practises that actually preserve the nutrition in the soil, and the nutrition in the food, so that when they extract the vitamins from these food sources, they're high in nutrition and will get those chemical reactions for those bodily processes that we need. So personally, I take Multi Food. I think it's one of the best products on our website. I take three in the morning with breakfast.
I notice that I'm more focused and sharp during the day and I have a lot more energy and I find the antioxidant properties of the natural vitamin sources in Multi Food largely help with my recovery as well.
So on FatBurnersOnly.com.au, Multi Food is the cheapest price in Australia when you buy one, or take advantage of our tiered pricing system, go two or three or any two or three of the ATP Science range, and get them all cheaper. Remember, we're always free and fast shipping no matter how much you spend, so come to FatBurnersOnly.com.au and check out ATP Science's totally awesome product and multivitamin, Multi Food and you won't be disappointed. Cheers Burners!