Today we are still obsessed knowing how to lose a fat belly - albeit everyone may have completely different reasons to why or how they want to lose it. But before you begin the fat burning process it is good to know about understanding fat before taking on today’s mentality of ‘getting fit quick’ or adopting a new regime in order to rid oneself with that belly fat.
You need to understand that fat is not only in those noticeable areas but all around your body, even your brain consists of fat. Yet you don’t hear people saying they want to burn off ounces of brain matter. Many just want to rid the fat from those shameful bulges. However, before you run off and work on burning off all that fat you must know that your body needs fat in order to protect your vital organs, keep your body insulated through those long chilly winters, and to give you the energy you need in order to run those long hours and get to the end. Now it is one thing to want to burn that fat but it is good to know and identify there are different types of fat depending on where they exist in your body, because fat is not all created equally.
Visceral: This is a harder kind of fat and serves as an important purpose, located in the midsection or trunk of the body. This fat (although sounds bad) actually plays an important role as it surrounds your internal organs and works as a protective wall. However in today’s society one common factor is that people have too much visceral fat in the midsection to due stress, lack of exercise, bad eating habits etc. This kind of belly building fat which is found in the mid section can cause harm.
Subcutaneous: Is the fat you can grab, although fat can be grabbed around the whole body using caliper body tests, the bigger the fat is around a certain area can determine your health. Now a common factor is a lot of people have extensive visceral fat in their midsection, which can then go from protecting your body to causing serious issues to your health and internal organs.
Retroperitoneal: Is the annoying fat we find when trying to pull up those tight jeans around our thighs. This structural support is intact there to protect your uterus and kidneys.
Now we can put it in perspective and see it’s not just about losing that fat around the thighs and tummy, but when you look in the mirror it’s the subcutaneous fat tend to be the fat that draws your eye’s attention, and then becomes your main focus for weight loss and burning fat.
However in extreme cases it could be from too much visceral fat in your midsection, which is situated under the abdominal muscles as opposed to those who have a layer of subcutaneous fat which is below the skin. Too much visceral fat is usually what will cause an increase in waist size. If you worry about how much visceral fat you may have it is recommended to see you health practitioner as these can cause serious health implications.
What are the Causes of Fat
You will continuously hear that a low-carbohydrate diet is a common way to strip your physique of abdominal fat, especially in the fitness circles around today. However reducing carbohydrate intake too much will reduce your insulin resistance which has been known to attribute to fat gain around the belly. Insulin is a hormone we need in order for our bodies to digest carbs. A way to lose fat combined with a healthy exercise regime is to adapt the eat less move more mantra. Work on eating fewer calories then what you expend, whilst still eating a moderate amount of carbs, protein and fats. However in order to get to the harder to reach fats, such as the belly fat, you must include regular exercise in order for your body to burn the stored fat. You can combine this with a fat burner which will help the body burn more fat during exercise, and continue the fat burning process even after training.
Hormones affecting Fat
At the end of day each individual is different; this means we will have different hormones and different levels which will effect where we store fat compared to the person next to us. So in the end it is advised to be smart with what diet you adapt to or physical exercises you do. Consult with your health doctor to insure your hormone levels are in check, and if you want to kick start your fat burning, consider a fat burner to help your process and bump up the fat burning during your exercises of simply throughout the day.