How to Reduce Cravings & Stay on Track
So you've done all of your food shopping. You're motivated, you are committed this time to making a real change and losing the weight you've always wanted to. You have psyched yourself up, and you know that half the battle is already won simply by taking that first big step and deciding to make a change.
Anybody can get fed up and desire change. But what about the other half of the battle?
That's right you guessed it..
CONSISTENCY*cue scary dramatic music*
Before we go any further, we want to congratulate you for reading this article. That tells us that simply by reading on, you genuinely really want to make a change. At Fat Burners Only, we recognize that when it comes to fat loss and body composition, knowledge is power. So we've made it our mission to empower our users so that you have the best possible chance of achieving great results. Which is why we have created this short guide of HOW to stay consistent, create leverage in your favour and preparing for your food demons, rather than fighting them.
If you've read our 10 BEGINNER'S STEPS TO FAT LOSS, you'll already know that hydration is easily the most critical factor when it comes to weight loss.
But what we didn't mention is that hunger or food cravings are often confused with thirst.
Next time you're peckish for the wrong foods, drink a glass of water and allow a few minutes, you may be very surprised at how quickly your cravings vanish!
Apart from recovery and repair, heightened protein consumption has also been shown by the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology at The University of Missouri to reduce cravings by up to 60% and decrease the desire to snack at night by up to 50%.
Protein is known to increase feelings of fullness and satisfaction for longer, so pick your favourites from our list of high protein sources and grab your shopping baskets!
Lean, high protein foods:
- All Lean Meats (Red and White)
- Fish and Shellfish
- Tofu
- Tempeh
- Eggs
- Protein Powder (Whey or Vegan)
- Oats
- Cottage Cheese
- Greek Yoghurt
- Quinoa
- Lentils
- Brussel Sprouts
- Almonds
You may be familiar with the old saying "out of sight, out of mind".
This couldn't be truer in the sense of being consistent with your weight loss. We aren't going to promise that not having junk food in your house will stop your cravings, but we know that it certainly doesn't increase your chance of success. Time and time again we hear our Mums (whom we love so much) telling us "But I have children, some junk food is unavoidable". While this may be true, we urge you to get your kids involved in your journey too. If you are a Mother or Father struggling with weight loss, know that nobody wants you to succeed more than your family. So ask for their support and even suggest they eat healthy with you! Kids snacks can still be made exciting with a selection of fruit, vegetables and healthy dietary fats.
This one is seriously underrated and could have been number one on the list.
Consistency is the child of preparation. In order to stay consistent and avoid cravings when they strike, having prepared meals is crucial. By having food prepared, you have consciously made the decision that you aren't going to stray from your goals - this ultimately creates accountability and eliminates excuses.
Which leads us directly to our next point..
This might sound counterintuitive, but as stated in our previous point always having food on hand is the first line of defence against cravings and hunger. If you are severely time poor, even having snacks, nuts or trail mixes can be a saviour in times of severe hunger. By eliminating hunger with prepared food, you are dramatically increasing your chance to reach your goals. If you're not hungry, you won't want to eat the wrong thing, easy!
For many of us, cravings skyrocket when we're stressed or anxious. This is often referred to as 'comfort eating' and is justified by individuals as being therapeutic. The truth is, carbohydrates boost our 'happiness hormone' serotonin, which has a calming effect on the nervous system. This may sound dandy, sugar and fatty foods will ultimately lead to unstable blood sugar levels, which will cause only more cravings, fatigue, and stress hormone secretion. So, reduce your stress where possible and stick to your home made meals, you're sweet enough.
Time and time again, poor sleep quality has been tied in to obesity and disruptive food choices.
Studies have shown that sleep deprivation increased the desire for high calorie food and dramatically decreased appetite control. By increasing sleep quality, we can regulate the hormones that are responsible for appetite regulation and cravings - making life a while lot easier.
Check out our Stimulant Free & Sleep supplements!
Just think, If you could absolute minimize cravings, stay fuller for longer and feel more energized doing so - how hard could it really be to stay on track? We hope you take the time to utilize these this guide and invite you to please let us know about your journey on the comments below!
Much love,