- Hi burners, Paul here from Fat Burners Only. Let's talk about supplementation for fat loss basics. Now, I've got the perfect supplements here, that all work together, to provide the perfect environment for your fat loss journey. And I'm just gonna take some time to explain how they all work together and what they do.
So we start with a thermogenic, or a fat burner, which is Oxyshred here, as an example. Now, these products are designed to do a few things and I'll go through them with you. So the first thing they do, is they create an environment for calorie burn. Now it does this by putting in ingredients that will promote the adrenal glands to pump out adrenaline, noradrenaline, and epinephrine. And these hormones will create an environment where the body starts burning a lot of calories.
Now if we can get into a calorie deficit, the body actually needs to start burning tissue to provide energy for itself and that's where fat loss comes in. It also will help gives us energy, so that when we hit the gym, we can train harder as well. It gives you a mood boost, so it's great to have it throughout the day. And it contains ingredients which will block any carbs that you eat from becoming fat on the body, as well as ingredients that heat your core body temperature up. And as you're trying to cool down, again you burn a lot of calories that way.
So you can see why this is such a popular product for fat loss and are necessary. They'll burn calories, give you energy, boost your mood, block carbs that you eat from becoming fat on the body, make you hotter, so you're trying to cool down and burn more calories. And the one I missed, is it'll actually reduce your appetite at the same time.
Next we need to make sure that the calories being burned from your training, and the calories being burned from Oxyshred, or your fat burner, are coming from fat and not muscle tissue. And that's where carnitine, or ALCAR, comes in. Now the way the body processes fat, is it needs carnitine to attach to fat in the blood stream, and move it into the mitochondria of our cells. The mitochondria is the engine room, to actually use as fuel. If we don't have carnitine in the blood stream, the body can't actually move that fatty acid into the mitochondria so we're not burning fat as fuel. So, we put carnitine in with training and our fat burner, like Oxyshred, and those calories being burned are now coming from fat and not muscle tissue.
Now, through years of helping people on their weight loss journey, whenever I ask the question "Is there a particular area of body fat that you are looking to burn?" The answer is always the same. A male will tell me "I'm struggling and I'm looking to lose fat on my midsection, around the abdominal area." And a female will say it's that midsection abdominal area and thigh and leg fat that they're looking to address. Now, there's truth to the information that you're given when people tell you, "Look, you can't do exercise and target fat. You can't do sit ups and burn abdominal fat." That is true. But you can target that stubborn fat using enzymes. Now, this fat is a particular shaped fat that's different to other fat on the body. It's call White Subcutaneous Adipose Fat.
Now, the way we can actually target that fat, as I mentioned, is with enzymes. And it's a specific enzyme that will work like a lock and key and actually break that fat up and move it into the blood stream, which is half the battle. Once that fat is in the blood stream and off those stubborn areas, then the carnitine can move it into the cell and your training and your fat burner can burn it. And the product that will get the body to produce that specific lipase enzyme, which will mobilise the stubborn fat into the blood stream, is CLA.
So, we take CLA, it moves that fat into the blood stream. You can picture that fat moving off that stubborn area into the blood stream. Then, once it's there, carnitine attaches to it, moves it into the mitochondria of your cells, and training and Oxyshred will burn it. Now, I'm repeating it a few time because the science behind this is really new and if you can get it and understand it, once you've got that knowledge, you can't lose it. And that's why all three of these are needed to be used together to create that straight-line environment for burning that stubborn body fat.
Now, finally, we've popped in a protein powder. Biofurnace is the one that we like to recommend. First of all, it tastes delicious. There's 25 grammes of protein per serve. There is zero sugar and zero fat. And it has a whole host of fully-dosed, natural ingredients to help with fat loss as well. So, it ticks all the boxes for a great fat loss protein.
Use it after training and as a stop gap to fill in any trouble times that you might have that you might snack and eat bad food. Pop this in, it'll hit the sweet spot, you won't feel hungry, and it's a macro nutrient that won't be readily turned into body fat. Now, just a little side note: These three products here burn so much body fat, there's a waste product that is produced that is then stored in whatever body fat we have left. The way to get those toxins out of that body fat and stop using that fat as a storage facility is just simply by drinking enough water. So get that water content up. Use this stack, and you'll see a great targeted fat loss in those stubborn areas.