How do I get a Flatter Stomach?

Published : 20/10/2021
How do I get a Flatter Stomach?

- How do I get a flatter stomach?

Hi, I'm Paul from Fat Burners Only, and perhaps the more relevant question first to ask is, what is causing that excess weight gain or fat gain or bloating around the mid section. And when we can answer that question, we can then find a way to get you that flatter stomach that you're looking for.

So first of all, we need to identify, is it actual fat slash weight gain that is the problem in this area, or is it a stomach digestion issue. Are you eating a lot of sugar?

Now, if you eat too much sugar, that can cause bloating in the stomach and can present as fat and water retention around the top of the abs, or is it a cortisol issue? Are you overly stressed and holding water around that mid-section? It could be a toxin issue like xenoestrogen, and if you're holding too many of these toxins, it can present as water and fat gain around the bottom of the stomach or are you eating too much salt and not drinking enough water.

So if you can answer these questions or one of these questions might be the issue that you are facing, we can then explain how we can fix that problem of that excess weight around that mid-section.

So if we're having too much salt or not drinking enough water, we can hold water weight around here, so we just have to boost your water intake up from whatever you drink if it's too low for female to 2.7 litres of water per day, and the male needs 3.9 litres of water per day and not drink enough water also lead into that xenoestrogen toxin holding. So if we've got too much xenoestrogen in our system.

Now just so you know, you can't avoid these toxins like xenoestrogen, they're present in pollution in the air, plastic water bottles or plastic containers, makeup, cleaning products. These toxic estrogens can build in the system and deposit fat from the stomach especially the lower area and hold those toxins in there. T

he first thing is we need to drink enough water to flush those out and then we also have products like Alpha Prime and Alpha Venus from ATP Science which will go to work and metabolise those xenoestrogen out of the system which we then flush out with enough water so we can then start burning any fat in that area or we can get rid of that water weight on the bottom of the abs.

If you are overly stressed, you're maybe producing too much cortisol and cortisol can hold water around that mid section and that is where Cort RX comes into play.

So first of all, we will always say, trying to deal with that stress naturally so make sure you get in the right head space and your body will naturally reduce that cortisol production but Cort RX is an amazing product to help you on your way to normalise cortisol production so you don't hold water around that stomach area.

Now if you indeed have digestion issues, or you might be having too much sugar, the products GutRight and Chromium can help with these issues. So Chromium will stabilise blood sugar level so you stop craving sugar and can help you get over any sugar addiction so you can reduce your sugar intake. And then we have our GutRight which is a herbal blend which will actually kill bad bacteria that can promote inflammation and bloating in this area and promote good bacteria so you got a healthy gut which make your digesting food properly and you're not bloated in that gut area.

And then finally, we might be going a bit too much fat on this area, and that is where CLA and Amp-V coming. So CLA and Amp-V contain both CLA and CLA is an all natural fatty acid that will get the body to produce a specific enzyme which will mobilise this fat into the blood stream where we can then use that as energy. The body readily doesn't move this fat, it is stucked. This product and this product will help mobilise that fat. So if we can flush all the toxins out of our system and get the bloating under control and we still got some fat on that area, this can do the job of getting rid of that fat.

Now, I hope you got something out of that video. If you have any question about the particular products or particular symptoms that you have, or you want some guidelines on what might be perfect for you, please just drop a comment in the comment section to this video and myself, Mariel or one of the friendly team of Fat Burners Only can get in touch with you and answer your question and help you to get that flatter stomach. Thanks for watching. We'll catch you next time. Cheers.

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