Watch Review Of Candies BCAAs' by Yummy Sport with Dan Cho

Published : 22/04/2020
Watch Review Of Candies BCAAs' by Yummy Sport with Dan Cho

Transcript:- Hey burners, I'm here with Dan the man from THS Nutrition and we have in front of us the Yummy Sports BCAA. So just tell us a bit about Yummy Sports, the brand.

- So Yummy Sports, as you can tell by the name, they're very well known for their flavouring, and also their bold move on giving them a bit more generous serving for the consumer. So BCAAs usually come in 30 serves

- Now, these ones are all in 40 serves, same with the Fat Burner and also their Pre-Workout.

- So, Fat Burner, Pre-Workout, and the BCAAs

- Awesome, and so BCAAs are the colour drinks you'll see guys drinking during their training session. So you drink it during your training, and your BCAAs, which are your isoleucine, leucine, and valine, create and turn into your muscle tissue, and they're great for recovery. And so that's why people take them. Why are Yummy Sports BCAs awesome?

- So they've gone down the route of doing the very simple but effective. So they have a two to one run ratio, and they've also done a 450 milligrams of electrolytes as well.

- Okay, so again, perfect to drink during your session, stay hydrated, and help with recovery.

- Awesome. And so we've addressed that they taste amazing. They're a great formula with extra serving sizes as well, so really good for the consumer there. They do come in a whole lot of different flavours. So what are the flavours in the BCAAs?

- So these ones here, the Twixxler, the Rainbow Treat, the Nerdiez, and the Ziclone are definitely the most popular flavours, but we do have a lot of other flavours.

- You can read it out.

- Let me read them out. So, we've got Cherry Blast, Funky Peaches, Gummy Worms, Creamsicle Blowout.

- Which is orange. Nerdiez, Rainbow Treats, Sour Batch, Sour Watermelon, Twixxler and Ziclone.

- That's 10. What is your favourite of the 10?

- My favourite has got to be the Twixxler.

- It's the Twixxler.

- What was yours?

- It's the Twixxler.

-Awesome, so there's a lowdown behind the products.

I was actually asking this morning, Fiona, for a sample tub so we can try it on camera. It's a funny story. And she looked at me with a funny look on her face, and she goes, "It's the only thing that we open, "and it's gone in two days." I was like, "You've got to be joking," 'cause we open one all the time. It just doesn't last.

All the girls in the office, as soon as one of these are open, gone.

There you go, cheers. Thanks for that, Dan. That's the lowdown behind the Yummy Sports Candies BCAAs. Absolutely delicious, extra value, and great clinical formula. Thanks for letting us know all about it.

We'll catch you later. Hope you got something out of that, burners. See ya.

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