BPM Annihilate Fat Burner Review

Published : 20/11/2014

annihilate bpm labs fat burner

BPM has released a new super strong fat burning stimulant blend called Annihilate! If you’ve heard of it, maybe it's because its come roaring into the market. The product stands out for its similarities to BPM Lipo Rush (but stronger).

It includes many of your popular ingredients such as caffeine, Pouchon tea extract, African mango, green tea extract and more. If you want to know the importance of these ingredients check out our blog on what ingredients you want to have in your fat burner to know exactly what each ingredient will do for you!

Pro’s of Annihilate

Now that we’ve given this supplement a hard test, we are happy to be selling it online. It's become one of the top strongest fat burners on the market, and it shows! After 15 minutes of taking this yummy supplement you will feel an energetic buzz and elevation in mood. When first taking this supplement we recommend that you ease into the amount of dosage you take. As even half a scoop will give you the buzz and kick start your metabolism and fat burning. Undoubtedly this is something you want to take at the start of the day and before a training session. However avoid taking late in the afternoons as this will prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep, and we all know sleep is important for weight loss.

Annihilate, being a powder form is easily mixed in with water, however you have to give it a good stir in otherwise the supplement will tend to form at the bottom of your glass. If you like the sweet flavours similar to our Oxyshred, you will love Annihilate, which are in two sweet tasting flavours of Peach Mango and Strawberry Banana. Sure to hit those sweet tooths out there.

Con’s of Annihilate

This strong fat burner is not for the faint hearted and we recommend you consult your GP before taking this supplement. It is not recommended for those who are sensitive to stimulants, so if you do want to try this product, begin with smaller doses and work your way up. If you’re not a fan of powder formed fat burners we recommend its close brother supplement BPM Lipo Rush. This product has 10 of the similar ingredients as Annihilate, however is in tablets and easily digested.

But overall Annihilate is not one of the TOP fat burners in the market for a reason. It has a kick and is not for those who are easily affected by stimulants. If you feel this product may be too strong, we advice you try Optiburn AMPED by Platinum Labs or our top Favourite Oxyshred by EHP Labs!

Otherwise give this famous Annihilate by BPM Labs a go and hit that fat burning hard.


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