APS White Lightning Review
Getting your body in a toned and fit state can be a challenge. The weight loss factor is one aspect but there are others. Some people use a fat burning supplement to help them melt away the unwanted pounds. Then there are others who rely solely on hitting the gym and engaging in a consistent work out regime. Some individuals combine both the gym regiment and fat burners as the resource to shape up. There is buzz about a new tool available to assist you called White Lightning. Let's take a closer look at what the buzz is all about.
What Does It Offer?
White Lightning is a fat burning supplement that individuals have seen great results. It's known as an APS or Advance Performance Supplement to bodybuilders. It’s a combination of ingredients that are taunted to produce lean muscles. It is also advertised to give you increased energy and mental focus. In addition, it has a reputation of eradicating the infamous "crashing syndrome" several hours after taking.
What Are The Ingredients?
The website for White Lightning does not share the proprietary ingredients. You have to research third party providers to get the specifics. What they show is a complex thiamizine compound. Basically it contains thiamine disulfide, methylxanthine, naringin, 2-phenyl-1-aminoethane, 1.3 dimethylamylamine and methylsynephrine. Thiamine disulfide is the B vitamin thiamine. The methylxanthine is another name for caffeine. Germanium oil is the chemical 1.3 dimethylamylamine. Methylsynephrine helps the body store used fat for energy. The MedlinePlus website reports, there is no available data about 2-phenyl-1-aminoethane. It is easy to interpret the energy boost from the thiamine disulfide and methylxanthine, because B vitamins and caffeine are known for this reaction.
What Are The Side Effects?
The obvious minimal side effect is nervousness with excess use of caffeine; however, the other extreme to this is psychosis. The White Lightning and the third party website don't have side effects listed. Thiamine sulfide is likely safe because it is a B vitamin, but it is possible to take too much of any vitamin.
Final Analysis About White Lightning?
It is always recommended to talk to your health rep about any supplements you are taking if you are not experienced with them. Taking small doses at first is recommended in order to allow the body to adjust.
Such strong fat burners like white lightning should give you pause to the extent that you discuss it with your physician before moving forward. This is especially, true if you have medical conditions or you are taking any medications. One caveat to mention is that the retailers recommend that you take two days off for every week you consume this fat burning supplement.